Track Record of Success: 2014 Highlights
Since our inception in 1974, the State Parks Foundation has raised over $3 million dollars to support Sierra State Parks.
Below are samples of the impact funds raised by Sierra State Parks Foundation has had on the six Sierra State Parks this year:
Historic Buildings Restoration Projects
- Pine Lodge (the Ehrman Mansion): Electricial system safety assessment and completion of identified needs (Completed 2014)
- Pine Lodge ( the Ehrman Mansion): Front porch plaster ceiling repair and restoration (Assessment report complete)
- Pine Lodge ( the Ehrman Mansion): Historic Gardens Restoration and Maintenance (Complete)
- Replacement of shingle roof, painting of The Mansion and replacement of windows. (Completed)
- Vikingsholm Electrical System Assessment (Report Complete-work to be done 2015)
Interpretive and Educational Programs
- Providing free school group tours to Vikingsholm and the Hellman-Ehrman Estate
- Operate the house museum tour operations for Vikingsholm and the Ehrman-Ehrman Estate
- Provide funding for the hiring of an seasonal Bear Education employee
- Provide funding for the hiring of a seasonal Interpretive Education employee
- Sponsor of numerous educational programs at our parks
- Funds for volunteer support
- Sponsor of FREE LOCALS AND MEMBERS DAY at Sugar Pine Point State Park
- Teamed with State Parks to develop an operations plan for the new Donner Vistior Center